The project’s aim of creating free IT-classes for children is to ensure the availability of education using modern IT-technologies. The objectives of the project are: – the opening of 1000 free IT-classes for the organization of elective classes for an in-depth study of the basics of programming, robotics and 3D modeling; study comprehension of up to 150-200 thousand children aged 8 to 16 years for 3 years; – Organization of IT – training on the basis of international educational programs; – integration of IT classes with the international technology park of IT startups Astana Hub.
The project realization of mechanism is a set of tools, methods and resources that ensure the opening of IT classes and includes: 1) determining the target audience; 2) a description of the list of training programs; 3) requirements for companies providing training; 4) a description of the location and equipment of free IT classes
In the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, adopted in December 2017, to the development of human capital a whole area is devoted, where a lot of initiatives and activities are outlined to increase the digital literacy of the population.
This Concept of the party project “Creating Free IT Classes for Children ”( further the Concept) was prepared by the project team Portfolio Office Party “Nur Otan.” The concept was developed in pursuance of the instructions of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev, voiced in the Address to the people of Kazakhstan “New opportunities in conditions of Fourth Industrial Revolution” of January 10, 2018 and in implementation of State programs “Digital Kazakhstan”, “educational and science development of Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019”, approved by the Government Decree RK No. 827 dated 12.12.2017 and by decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 1, 2016 year number 205, respectively.
The objectives of the educational program are dictated by the purpose of the Concept, which consists
on the methodological support of the process of organizing additional elective classes for advanced education of children in the basics of programming, robotics and 3D modeling using the best international practices.
The main aims of a teacher in an IT class are to increase digital literacy, improving the knowledge and skills of children in IT-technologies, stimulation of interest and talent of children for innovative discoveries. Successful IT-class activities form the information ecosystem digitalization in the region, which will increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”.
Training is consist of two levels: basic and advanced.
The basic level covers the modules “Programming”, “Robotics”, “3D modeling”.
At an advanced level, teachers are being trained on the modules: “Advanced reality ”,“ Virtual reality ”,“ Internet of things ”,“ Web design and graphic design ”,“ Development of Mobile Application ”. Each module includes contact and distance learning. Contact classes are held at the Innovative University of Eurasia at Pavlodar, st. Lomova 45, rooms 304, 229